Please explain just a little bit more, as i can't seem to make sense of how this DISPLAY setting would affect performance of a given Forum.
This is a setup value for a time period and is purely for "display" purposes, it only shows the number of members & guests who visit a site in an admin adjustable time frame. It could be hourly if set to 60, or a 15 minute window as the default is set to, or an entire day, which is 1440 minutes. Since the Description of that says its DAILY, the default should be 1440 (24 x 60 for those who are math challenged)
By setting this value NOTHING is changed that would affect performance, only a display count for the number of times the forum was visited, much like a webpage counter does. It DOES create more admin pages to view if that count is higher, but for the admin only.
How does a displayed value of Forum traffic affect performance of that Forum?
Seems like that depends on how many users are hitting the website.
What it does allow... it is offering the admin the capability to see if their Forum is being attacked by "miscreants" like Alibaba, and other "cloud" users who simply want to "add" information to anyone's Forum to sell their products, or provide a link to another webpage.
And our Forum was attacked 14743 times in one day by Alibaba, until I blocked their IP range.
You are taking away a valuable tool for your Forum Admins, but maybe that's because Create-a-Forum management prefers to let advertisers run unchecked on their customers forums, gotta pay the bills I guess. Sorry but the reply to this original question seems like it makes zero sense, can you please expound on your reply, and state exactly how "performance" is affected here?
Look at the image, do you see the issue with nomenclature?
Most "online today" is NOT correct with this 60 minute limit, and now the ability to monitor for spam traffic is gone. If Create-a-Forum believes that's a good thing I'm a little suspect...