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General Support / Re: Text size of pasted links and text
« Last post by Roger on January 13, 2025, 11:12:46 am »
Sorry to bother you again but if I paste a link or text into the text box and hit save it ends up as below, very tiny in fact unreadable, see attachment below, if I paste text and then before saving it highlight it and set text size to 10pt it shows up as normal, can you point me in the right direction to correct this please.

                                                              Thanks  Roger
General Support / Re: Text size of of pasted text
« Last post by Roger on January 13, 2025, 10:02:37 am »
Please delete.
General Support / Re: Text size of quotes
« Last post by Roger on January 13, 2025, 07:41:07 am »
That worked a treat, thanks very much.
General Support / Re: Text size of quotes
« Last post by CreateAForum on January 13, 2025, 05:40:24 am »
Requires editing the css of the style.
You can customize under admin -> manage style
Then create a style

Then it will show CSS code
which you can find something like
Code: [Select]
blockquote.bbc_standard_quote {
padding: 15px 10px;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 0 0 3px;
border-color: #b5c4cc;
background-color: #e0eef6;
color: #768094;

In the file
Add a field to it
Code: [Select]
And hopefully that will increase the size
Suggestions / Re: Who's Online Setup Issue
« Last post by CreateAForum on January 12, 2025, 03:35:01 pm »
Unfortunately due to performance issuer, due to online bots, we had to reduce the amount and no longer allow all day to be set.
Suggestions / Who's Online Setup Issue
« Last post by Douglas Kucmerowski on January 12, 2025, 03:21:20 pm »
Create a Forum allows for a "daily" count that shows who's online in a Forum, setup through admin functions on Forum Layout page. To get that daily count you need to enter 1440 minutes in the entry box, that is set to a 15 minute default. A recent change now limits the User Online display to only ONE hour, 60 minutes. Why was this changed? Either change to definition to User in the Past HOUR, or allow Forum Admins to change this time base to whatever they chose.

This just happened
General Support / Re: Text size of quotes
« Last post by Roger on January 11, 2025, 05:02:59 pm »
Can you share a link or a screenshot? Probably a css issue.
Hi...Sent you a PM.
                                  Thanks  Roger
General Support / Re: Text size of quotes
« Last post by CreateAForum on January 11, 2025, 03:14:54 pm »
Can you share a link or a screenshot? Probably a css issue.
General Support / Text size of quotes
« Last post by Roger on January 11, 2025, 09:52:15 am »
Why is the text size of quotes so small, I know I can use the editor to change text size but to do that for all quotes would be a real hassle, anything you can do to change it for me please.

General Support / Re: Cant access ny forum
« Last post by CreateAForum on January 07, 2025, 11:56:46 pm »
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