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Messages - Agent Moose

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Add to CSS (anywhere will do, but I prefer at the very begining, or end, so you know where it is):
Code: [Select]
/* Add Image before Navigation //Created by Agent Moose */
div.navigate_section ul li:first-child:before
vertical-align: middle;
content: url("IMAGE URL HERE");

This code does exactly what the title says :) Adds an image before the Navigation.

EDIT: Forgot to add copyright :P

Enjoy :)

I still don't see it.

I checked all over the membergroup section and nothing.

NOTE: There is another way to do this, and it doesn't involve coding, it is in the settings for your board:
Admin-> Layout Settings-> Theme Settings-> Turn "Hide post group titles for grouped members" to on. (section two-subsection four-option six)

Add to your CSS (Doesn't matter where in the CSS, just needs to be in there):
Code: [Select]
/* Remove "Post Group" for Admins/Mods //Created by Agent Moose */
li.membergroup + li.postgroup { display: none; }

This code removes the "Post Group" name (EX: Newbie, Member) in topics/PM's for Admins and Moderators.  I didn't see it in the Features and Options section of the Admin CP, so I decided to make it.  If it is there, please tell me.

Very simple CSS code, but useful :)

Enjoy :)

Suggestions / Re: What to Add/Change next?
« on: August 02, 2010, 07:23:11 pm »
Can we have the names with the group colors? i mean if you are head admin you have Red color name and when you are moderate topic its white.. ;D

I second that, one less code to make xD

I would like an Admin Notepad, so I can just save my Headers/footers into it, as a back up.

Create a Forum Codes and Support / [Code] Add links to Admin Dropdown
« on: August 02, 2010, 03:11:17 pm »
Footers: (Admin > Style Manager > Headers and Footers > Footers)
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
function AdminLinks(Name, URL){
//Created by Agent Moose
if(document.getElementById("button_admin") !== null) document.getElementById("button_admin").getElementsByTagName("ul")[0].innerHTML += "<li><a href='" + URL + "'><span>" + Name + "</span></a></li>";
AdminLinks("Style Manager","/?action=admin;area=style;sa=headers");

NAME = The Name of the link
URL = The URL of the link.

This code lets you add links to the Admin drop down menu :)
The link that is already added is just an example, you may remove it if you wish.

To add more links, add more of these lines:
Code: [Select]
Enjoy :)

Create a Forum Codes and Support / [Code] Add Box to Stats
« on: August 02, 2010, 02:43:32 pm »
Footers: (Admin > Style Manager > Headers and Footers > Footers)
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
function AddBoxToStats(Title, Info){
//Created by Agent Moose
if(document.getElementById("upshrinkHeaderIC") !== null) document.getElementById("upshrinkHeaderIC").innerHTML += "<div class='title_barIC'><h4 class='titlebg'><span class='ie6_header floatleft'><img src='' /> " + Title + "</span></h4></div><p class='inline'>" + Info + "</p>";

TITLE = The Title of the box.
INFORMATION = The information for the box (you may use HTML, just use single quotes instead of double quotes)

To add more boxes, add more of these lines:
Code: [Select]
Enjoy :)

Create a Forum Codes and Support / [Code] Money Code (Simple)
« on: August 02, 2010, 05:43:25 am »
Footers: (Admin > Style Manager > Headers and Footers > Footers)
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
var Name = "NAME";
var Sign = "SIGN";
var Amount = AMOUNT PER POST;

var Aug_02_2010 = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
//Created by Agent Moose
if(Aug_02_2010[x].className === "postcount" && Aug_02_2010[x].innerHTML.match(/posts: (.*)/i)){
var li = document.createElement("li");
li.className = "money";
li.innerHTML = Name + ": " + Sign + (RegExp.$1 * Amount);
Aug_02_2010[x].parentNode.insertBefore(li, Aug_02_2010[x].nextSibling);

That's right!  I'm back into the coding business (not really a business for me, since I do it on my free time :P )

It took me awhile to think of the first code to make for CreateAForum, so I went to my old forum (Simple Machine Codes) and looked at the most viewed codes, and boom, the Money Code was close to the top :)

This code could be better (coding wise), but I will just need to figure it out as I go, (after all, it has been a couple months since I have created a code).

NAME = The Name of the currency (EX: Money)
SIGN = The Sign of the currency (EX: $)
AMOUNT PER POST = How much the user will get for each post they make (EX: 2. Whatever number you set, will be multiplied by their post number)

If you have any questions, just ask.

Oh, and expect a lot more codes :)

Enjoy :)

Pages: 1 2 [3]