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Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: requesting a sig
« on: July 20, 2012, 09:32:12 am »
I took a shot at it, let me know what you think.

Style Support / Re: I am justa Dumb A
« on: July 19, 2012, 11:20:49 pm »
Admin CP - > Style Manager

If you are using a one of the pre-created styles, simply click the one you wish to change to.

Create a Forum Codes and Support / Re: Need a shoutbox
« on: July 19, 2012, 11:16:30 pm »
ezPortal comes with a built-in shout box that can be enabled through ezPortal settings, to do so follow the instructions below.

Admin CP - > ezPortal - > Settings - > Install & Enable ezPortal.

Repeat the first three steps.

Now, scroll down in the ezPortal settings, you should see "Shoutbox Settings" tick the first box that states "Enable Shoutbox"

Now we have to add a new ezBlock for the Shout Box to show on the forum.

Admin CP - > ezPortal - > ezPortal Manager

Choose a column for it to be displayed, and click "Add ezBlock"

In the drop down box, search for "Shout Box" once found, add it by clicking "Add ezBlock"

You can now configure the settings of which user groups can use the shout box, and which user groups can manage / edit it.

If you are done configuring your settings, click on "Add ezBlock"

Now you need to configure the visibility settings, once you have configured them to you liking, proceed and click "Save visible settings"

Enjoy your shout box.

General Support / Re: Favicon?
« on: July 19, 2012, 10:59:08 pm »
Admin CP  - > Style Manager - > Headers & Footers

Favicons' can be used as .ico .png & .gif images, the preferred image type is .ico, so I will only show you how to use .ico files.

If your favicon is an .ico image, please use the following code in your Header.

Code: [Select]
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="Image URL" type="image/x-icon">

Now, replace Image URL with the URL of the image from the image host you used. I will post an image host that you can use to upload .ico files, as most do not allow .ico images. (Make sure to name your image "favicon")

Save your Headers & Footers, and your image should now show.

If you are having troubles with the image not showing up, please feel free to PM me

Pages: [1]