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Topics - Agelbert

Pages: [1]
General Support / IP Address Spoofing
« on: May 01, 2019, 11:07:12 pm »
I just observed this and got a screenshot of it.

The spoofer left within seconds of me checking to see who was online. The IP address of the guest was IDENTICAL to mine! I have no other computers in my home.

As you can read from above, I have had images, particularly those that criticize the hydrocarbon hellspawn fossil fuel Industry, fail to display, even though the code for a given image has not changed. I have also noticed images that I have previously "approved" to appear "not approved" a few days later whn I check my images in the

Do I have to go to my ISP and ask for a new IP address? Should I be worried about this? Yes, someone obviously can spoof my IP address, but does that mean they can attack my computer? support

Despite having spoofed my IP address, I don't think they can Log into my Forum (or any place else I log into) unless they have figured out my (VERY LONG AND COMPLEX) password for the Forum (and all other websites I visit).support

Do you have any advice for me on how to keep my images from being hacked and whether this IP address spoofing is dangerous to me?

General Support / Histats page hit counter
« on: June 01, 2014, 11:52:25 pm »
Can anyone translate this code for me so my forum will be able to use it?

<!-- START (html only)-->
<a href="" alt="page hit counter" target="_blank" >
<embed src="" flashvars="jver=1&acsid=2693280&domi=4" quality="high" width="200" height="40" name="25.swf" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" wmode="transparent" /></a>
<img src="" alt="website statistics" border="0">
<!-- END -->

I've tried replacing <a href=" with [ u r l  ] and </a> with [ / u r l ] but I'm missing something.  :(

Create A Forum Discussion / Widgets that use Java script
« on: December 24, 2013, 08:05:27 pm »
How do I enable Javascript?

I want to install this widget (It has CO2 produced worldwide)?

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript>Please Enable Javascript for this <a href="">Energy</a> widget to work</noscript>

Can it be done ???

Bugs / Inadvertent Double Header or tiled Headers
« on: November 10, 2013, 04:45:09 am »
I guess this isn't really a bug because it easily dealt with but it's kind of tricky so I'll pass it on to others. It may save them some grief.

If you place more than one image in the NEWS widget, the software doesn't know what to do with the second one so it tiles the header (you get two headers, one above the other with the two images you put in the news widget).

I say it is tricky because I thought this was caused by some CSS repeat type command in the style. The style CAN be modified to tile a header but, in this case, you can keep from having more than one header (a duplicate) hogging your layout by avoiding inputting more than one picture in the news widget.
Renewable Revolution

General Support / Page hits count
« on: November 06, 2013, 02:51:04 am »
Hi. I am a new Admin in a new "Create A Forum" forum. My Admin at a previous "Create A Forum" site got a little tired of me generating too much posting material and volunteered to set me up with another forum. All well and good.
But here is the comment he made that makes me think some settings may not be quite correct:
" With this new system, members can now manage their OWN Forums under their OWN rules free from my "ADMIN: Power of GOD on a Forum"  ability here on the Diner Forum.

The main Downsides here are that because these Forums are separate entities, you can't do a single search to find something, plus of course you ALSO have to register separately on these other Forums.  Also, Messages posted to any of the linked forums will not appear in the Diner list of recent comments or on the diner Blog either.  Also, Agelbert has to manage his own Forum."

So what is the problem?
My corner of the Doomstead Diner forum (Agelbert's NEWZ channel is getting over a 100 page views a day. :o MOST of the posts I publish there are teasers with links to my own forum, . I post news and opinion pieces about 5 to 8 times a with only one or two NOT having links to my forum. Furthermore, my page views at the Algelbert NEWZ Channel are going up each day, not down.
YET, the articles in MY forum that I link to don't show hardly any page views. ??? This doesn't make sense because more and more people are clicking on my NEWZ channel, obviously because they liked the content, only to find teasers to my own forum. If they weren't happy with that (deciding NOT to click on the links), my NEWZ channel page traffic would be dropping, not going up.
Could it be that the Create A Forum site I Admin is not getting a page hit count when someone comes there straight from the OTHER Create A Forum site because of some setting?
Finally, to provide evidence for my view that the problem is at, I did get about 70 hits at in one day from an article I linked to the Common Dreams Web site in the comments section about one of the Founding Fathers of the US Constitution. That proves the page counting works just fine coming from another web site.
Could you check into this? I really believe the folks on my original forum are reading my stuff but it is not getting counted for some reason.
NOTE: I have WIDE open as far viewing and posting on boards from guest on up so there is ZERO impediment for someone dropping by to click on a topic in a board.
Thank you.

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