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Topics - JMuth561

Pages: [1]
Advertise your forum / New Super Mario Flash Forum
« on: August 12, 2013, 04:27:16 am »

Basically, it's a forum based on the Super Mario Flash game series. Members can create their own levels and post the codes here for others to see and rate, as well as participate in contests and competitions, as well as just hang out. We created it in opposition to the webmaster of the original Super Mario Flash site, whom many of us do not get along with, and who is largely inactive in the site's maintenance and daily operation.

If you like classic gaming, are a Mario fan, or just want to get creative, please come give us a shout! :)

General Support / Actual character limit
« on: August 11, 2013, 07:56:02 pm »

I recently created a forum where users can share codes that go into a game we have developed, allowing us to play each other's levels within the game. In order to make it possible to correctly copy the code, we need to use the code tag. However, here's the problem. When I set the maximum post size at 2,000,000 characters and try to post a code that is 800,000 characters, it gets cut off, and stops at some point. When I set the maximum to unlimited, it cuts off after a point as well. Is there anything I can do to get around this so that we can post our codes? It does the same thing whether we use the code tag or not.

Am I doing something wrong? If there is nothing that can be done, does anyone know what the actual maximum size is?

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