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Censor Complaints/Information


Recently, a censor was placed on all forums hosted by This is required by our advertisers, however our Terms of Service do state that forums may not contain adult language.

Censor Information
[*]The censor is required for our forums.
[*]The censor takes inappropriate language and turns it into "****"
[*]The censor isn't to be evaded.
[*]The purchase of adfree credits will remove the censor from your forum.

Censor Complaints
If you have a complaint about the censor, please do not post on this forum. This will help to keep the forum free of clutter. Any posts on threads ranting about the censor will be either merged here, locked, or deleted.

Think a word shouldn't be on the censor?
Thanks for your input! There are bugs in anything, if you think there is a word that shouldn't be on the censor, feel free to send a message to CreateAForum and he will look into it.

Many thanks,
CreateAForum Support Moderation


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